👋 Hey! Welcome to Think For Yourself!

Darlene and Shireen here 👯‍♀️

We are two women in tech on a mission to empower people to think for themselves and live better lives. 💪🏽

We provide the tools for a life full of meaningful learning, critical thinking, and better results. If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, then join us and explore a like-minded community of people on the same journey! 🚀

Everything will help you get at least 1% better. Unsubscribe anytime it doesn’t 🙃

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Learn mental models to help you think better and navigate life with confidence


I care deeply about thinking well and helping others do the same. Building Edvo to get all of us into spaces where we can think and flow. Previously bootstrapped Skillify to 7-figures and profitability, to help 150K+ students think critically.